Thursday, August 23, 2012

Nothing like a beer ... for your toddler

Arizona mom puts beer in her kid's sippy cup, and admits it

So you're at the local pizza place with games and stuff where kids run amuck and parents watch from the sidelines, but when one of the kids shows an interest in your pitcher of beer rather than the ball pit, you decide to make him a bigger part of the adult action by slipping the cute little bugger a little in his sippy cup and waiting for him to become the life of the party. Right? Right??

No. Not right. Not right, but it did happen in Arizona's capitol city, and the 36-year-old Mean Mom admitted that it wasn't a mistake. She put beer in her 2-year-old's sippy cup on purpose.

Seems that she couldn't resist the way her sweet little bundle of cuteness "kept reaching" for the pitcher of beer at the table, so she decided to indulge him with a little. She was hoping a little reverse psychology would work it's magic and he would never, ever, ever want to drink beer again.

Just like her.

Well, some fellow diners, who probably had kids too, decided that was not something they read in their parenting books and called the Po-Po — after the buzzed boy fell out of his high chair. Yikes.

The boy was taken to a local hospital and he is OK. The MM was taken to the local jail.

If this is what this MM lets her toddler do in public, I shudder to think what she lets him do behind closed doors.

Read a version of the news story on my(faux) by clicking the link below.

Mommy has a treat for you

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Seriously, it's just a phase

photo by Alberto Ramirez
It's a 2-year-old, not a demon

The mom of a 2-year-old Malaysian girl who died during an exorcism — her own —was an "alternative medical practitioner," which leads me to wonder what else she tried on her sweet little toddler who was suffering through the terrible 2s. I can't imagine what she ordered for her girl before she and her family decide to try and exorcise it out of her. The exorcism failed and produced much more dire results than meditation and chamomile supplements.

This little girl must have had a huge demon in her, because it took seven adults to pin her down during the ritual. By the time authorities were alerted and she was pulled from under the pig pile she was already dead.

If they had only been a little more patient, the evil 2 ("I DO IT") would have passed and the better 3 ("YOU DO IT") would have arrived. It is sad to think an entire family could rally behind a plan like this, and a little unbelievable that an engineer and (almost) doctor could think this was a good idea.

Magic is not real folks, but the probability of 700 to 1000 pounds of adults being able to crush a 25-pound baby girl to death is. No "demon baby" turns into literal cement when confronted.

Read more here:

No way to handle a toddler

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Revenge the wrong way

Taking out your anger on your kids is never a good idea

Question: You suspect your husband is cheating on you. What do you do?

Answers: A. Follow him around.
                B. Secretly check his phone.
                C. Confront him.
                D. Hire a lawyer.
                E. Kill your twins.

One 41-year-old Mean Mom decided "E" was the correct answer in her case and drowned and suffocated her twin toddlers. She managed to fill her 4-year-old's belly with unidentified pills in an attempt to take her out, too, but thankfully the little girl is a fighter (and cute as a button especially with those stickers on her face). After the attack, she was in stable condition and was expected to recover.

No news report has confirmed whether the rumored affair was indeed an affair, but some have speculated that the other woman was the MM's daughter from a previous relationship. It surely is sick to be messing around with your stepdaughter, but still no reason to kill innocent children.

The MM attempted to kill herself by slitting her wrists, but she did not succeed, which leads me to believe she really was not looking for that kind of ending to her story.

So what was she looking for? Was she just out of her mind? Was revenge really all she wanted? Is any man worth taking the lives of your babies? I can safely answer "no" to that last one.

Sadly, these two innocent babies lost their lives to the very person who gave it to them. Even sadder is the fate of their older sister, who will no doubt have nightmares of this for the rest of her life.

Read some local coverage on the gruesome event by clicking the link below. Warning, the photo of one of the twins being carried out of the house is heartbreaking.

She cheated her kids out of life

Friday, June 22, 2012

Mean Mom, zombie-style

Zombies have always been cool, but nobody likes a brain eater

photo by Kriss Szkurlatowski
This is one sick story

It popped up amongst the recent string of zombie-like attacks in a local headline feed, so it is by no means a recent news bit. In fact, the original click led to a dead link that apologized for luring the clicker to a story that originally ran in 2009.

It was easy enough to find a tidbit on the incident, but no so easy to forget the horror that it brings. Please stop reading now if you have an issue with textures and missing baby digits.

This MM, who is reported to be a schizophrenic, lost it in a house where many sharp items were stored. She used some of them to dismember her not-quite 4-week-old son. That was enough to kill him, though she went a step further and ate his brain to absolutely, positively make sure he was dead.

After all, it is a lot harder to tell if your munch has passed from just watching his respiration cease. If you cut some of his body parts off and then eat his brain you can be totally sure he is not coming back. This MM obviously had some problems. She could not distinguish from the two.

The really sick part is trying to decide whose fault it was. Can it all be blamed on the MM, or are those around her responsible, too? Postpartum depression and schizophrenia d not mix, and someone suffering from both of these deserves more support than this MM had. And her little boy suffered and died because of it.

I can't write any more about it, but you can read more by clicking the links below:

Please eat dinner before reading this

A softer look at the situation

Monday, June 18, 2012

Potty accidents should not be fatal

A super-harsh punishment for going number one in your pants

Potty training is hard enough, and any one in their right mind would know that negative reinforcement is only going to make it harder. Unfortunately, one couple visiting Florida with their 3-year-old son was way out of their minds when they decided to beat their son for peeing his pants.

The beating led to his death, and this poor boy must have suffered imaginably. Not only did they take turns beating him for an hour, but as he lay dying they ordered pizza and watched a movie. Finally, around 5 a.m. the Mean Mom found herself having trouble sleeping because of the boy's wheezes (or maybe her conscience got the best of her, but I doubt it) and called 911.

This is one of those stories that you don't want to think about too much, because that leads to questions like "What was this child's life like before this night?" Thinking about that is enough to make you scream and cry at the same time.

The couple was arrested and charged with child abuse, first-degree murder and child neglect. The man has a history of violence against both women and children. The MM was on suicide watch.

A link to the story as it appears on appears below

Sorry, I didn't make it

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Never, ever put anything on the roof of your car when you are stoned

Especially not your baby

We have all done it — stoned or not. Whether it was a cup of coffee, a pair of sunglasses or a cell phone, it ended up on the roof of the car while we were fumbling for our keys and piling the kids into the car, and we drove off with it still hanging out up there.

Some of us were lucky. The item remained on the roof, lodged between the roof rack and a crack in the door, or it fell off only to be found with a backtrack and stopping of traffic.

Others of us were not.

Such is the case of a Phoenix, AZ, Mean Mom who left her 5-week-old bundle of joy on the roof of her car. He ended up getting bumped off the roof and landing in the middle of the street at 12:45 a.m.

He was buckled into his car seat, which probably helped him survive his wild ride, and thankfully he was treated and released to CPS and no injuries were reported. To give the young MM some credit, she did realize her baby was missing (12 miles later, ahem) and went back to look for him. This is when the police arrested her and she admitted to have smoked marijuana earlier in the night.

There is all kinds of wrong going on here, especially the juicy bit where they note that her baby's daddy was arrested less than two hours earlier after he was pulled over for driving all swervy-wervy and almost causing an accident. The MM and their child were in the car at the time.

You would think that after you and your infant are driven home by the police at midnight that you would put  the wee one to sleep and get yourself to bed — babies tend to get up early and a lot — but this brilliant girl got in the car and drove to a friend's house. I bet she wishes she stayed home now.

I am curious as to what kind of car she drives, because she is either super tall or drives a really small car to be able to comfortably place a baby in a car seat on the roof. I never bothered with those removable seats, but my first choice would be the ground. Not too much risk of losing him to gravity resting him there.

I am sure there is more to the story — there always is — but because of quite a few bad decisions a baby boy is missing out on his mom.

See video of her day in court and read more of the story  on

Look ma, no hands!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

School is bad enough

And then your mom drags you there by your belt while she is driving her car

Yikes, some moms are harsh. I mean, what is the worst thing you have ever done to your kid after he missed the bus? Called him a bad name? Told him he had to stay home? Begrudgingly drove him there yourself?

If you answered yes to one of the above suggestions, good for you. You are not nearly as bad as the mom who decided to pull her child along side her car by his belt, forcing him to keep pace with her as she drove, all the way to school.

I assume, if you are taking the bus, you must live a mile or more from the school. So this mom held or attached (the article does not specify) her 9-year-old's belt while she sat in a comfy driver's seat for at least that far. You would think that after a block or two you may say to yourself, "OK, he learned his [harsh] lesson," but not this Mean Mom. She drove very slow so her son could keep up (awwww) and taught him the lesson of his life: I am a lunatic.

Way to make your kid hate you and school, Mean Mom.

Hey, there is a video, too. Watch and read more here.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


10-year-old shoots mom in head, she's dead, he's in "denial"

Every so often, you come across a story where you are not sure whose fault the bad outcome is. In this case, was it the mom's fault for allowing her 10-year-old to keep a .22  caliber rifle plus three other weapons found in his bedroom, or her son's fault for deciding to shoot her in the head with the .22.

According to the boy's uncle, the mother and her son fought about his performing the chore of carrying in firewood, and the boy's refusal turned into the last time he would ever say "no" to his mom. He shot her in the head with the .22 and then went to a neighbor's house to report it.

To the mom's credit, she did argue with her husband about their boy being in possession of the weapons, which once belonged to his grandfather. She wanted them out. He wanted them in. In the end, Dad is the one who moved out, and the guns remained on the gun rack mounted on the boy's bedroom wall.

The boy had some behavioral problems. When he was 6 he was disciplined at school after hitting his principal in the face and chest with a dustpan. He was transferred to a school for kids with special needs after that. More recently, a bus driver was called out by his mom for grabbing him by the back of the jacket while trying to control him from being disruptive.

Though there is a history of poor behavior, nothing violent was noting, making one wonder what would have been the outcome of the firewood fight if mom had won and there were no guns in the house. He has put in a plea of "denial," which I read is the same as saying "not guilty."

Sadly, we don't know, and now this boy has to live with the knowledge that he killed his mom. His sister, who was in the house at the time of the incident, will never forget what he did.

Read more about the story at by clicking here.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


photo by Gabriella Fabbri
Mad dad bites off son's penis ----------------- WHAT???

I thought, this just has to be a joke. Not true. Bad headline. I wish.

For a woman, I am pretty protective of my sons' penises. They get red, I apply cream. They mindlessly yank on them too hard, I tell them to stop. They say it stings when they pee, I take them to the doctor. I would not as much cut their foreskin off, never mind bite off the entire member.

I still cannot believe what I am reading. There is so much that is wrong with this story.

First, Bad Dad was walking down a street in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China with his 6-year-old son and 4-year-old daughter. The kicker — they were all naked.

Am I missing something? Is there a tradition of walking naked through the streets of China. Googling "Walk naked China" delivers quite a few videos and stories, so maybe?

Second, the reason why Bad Dad was mad was because the boy refused to bite his penis. I do not know why the man wanted to have his penis bitten, but I have a feeling he wanted his  to remain attached to his body. Sadly, this boy's punishment for not obeying was having his penis bit off by his own father.

The quick action of passing citizens saved the boy, whose penis was reattached (it as retrieved from a bush where it had been thrown). There is no way of knowing whether he will have lifelong physical problems or not yet. Obviously, his psychological problems will be bad enough. Too bad the little guy will continue to suffer.

The 32-year-old man had money problems, his wife left him in 2010 after a failed business venture and he had some serious parenting issues. Obviously, this Bad Dad has mental problems. I hope he and his kids get help and stay safe.

A link to the story on appears below. There, you can click through to the original story at

Messed up for life

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Punishment for soiling themselves: death and hypothermia

photo by Alexander Hjorth
Lazy, mean, drunk people act in the most irresponsible way

Picture this. Location: winter in Barrow, Alaska, the most northernmost city in the United States. Scenario: two little girls, a 1-year-old and a 3-year-old, wet their beds in the night. The room is a wee bit stinky, so drunk Bad Boyfriend and Mean Mom (we do not know for sure if she was there) decide to open the bedroom window even though it is 30 degrees below freezing outside. The door is locked from the outside and the adults pass out after polishing off two bottles of bootleg alcohol.

Now the 3-year-old is dead. The 1-year-old was treated at a local hospital and released to relatives.

When the story was first reported by the Alaska Daily News, it said the children were beaten, but as the investigation unraveled, it became apparent that this was a case of extreme abuse, neglect and some seriously poor priorities. The Mean Mom told one story. Bad Boyfriend told another story. In the end the horrible truth of what happened emerged, and it seems like more of the story is not being released. Like, where was Mean Mom that night? How did she not know there was a chill in the air? She really just left for work without checking on her children?

Charges including manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide are being brought up against both. Bad Boyfriend is also being charged with second-degree murder and assault charges. He was arrested last month.

There is so much wrong here.

The children were found naked. Um, ever hear of a diaper? Towel? Pillowcase? Anything that would have helped these poor girls to not soil themselves so the lazy-ass “caregivers” wouldn’t have had to bother with a middle-of-the night changing anyway. Jeez, how about some clothing at least.

But no, these kids did not even have bedding or blankets in the room. Or a way out. The latch was” broken.” Yeah, right. By the sound of these “parents” they probably rigged it so they could keep the kids locked in there. A whole other issue is: Who locks kids that young in a bedroom. Kids need supervision people. But, I am getting away from the story.

Mean Mom was a school teacher, so obviously some money was available for clothing. A SCHOOL TEACHER? Really? You would think she would have a bit more compassion for kids. Especially her own kids.

Bad Boyfriend’s last wife had passed on -- she claims she feared for her safety around him – and their three kids were staying in the house as well. I guess Mean Mom should have picked a better man.

As of this writing, Mean Mom is on the “lam” and Bad Boyfriend is in custody. A link to a more detailed story in the Alaska Daily News is below and below that is a link to photos of the cute little girls from

Monday, March 5, 2012

Mean Moms and meth do not mix

Holy crap, there is a video

Thankfully, the video only shows what happened prior to this Mean California Mom shooting and killing her two children,  her babies daddy's cousin and herself, and wounding the kid's dad.

It features this Mean Mom and another man (the cousin) smoking methamphetamine, and the time stamp on the iPad it was recorded on indicates it was taken just hours before the dad did his bloody stumble out of their pretty nice apartment in a pretty decent complex. Hey, there was a playground.

The couple seemed "normal" to neighbors — don't they all? Yet, inside their shared walls police found lots of cash, meth, guns and misery.

The Mean Mom had apparently lost a baby a year or so ago, was unable to get over it. Instead of find her help, her "family" allowed her to drown her sorrows in drugs. Now her other babies are dead, and so is she.

What a shame.

A link to the story as it appears on is below.

Meth will mess you up

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mom gets up, kills baby, hides body, goes back to sleep

Her beauty sleep was more important than her 1-year-old

Anyone with a kid under age 5 is going to tell you how sleep does not come easy. Your kid cries and you must get up and dry her eyes. A cough heard through the monitor is enough to rattle you out of a deep sleep.

Tending to your child night and day is something good parents do. Sleeping through a child crying is something most good parents cannot do, which is something our latest Mean Mom realized, so she did what she had to to catch some much-needed Zs.

She killed her baby, of course.

After beating her poor, little 1-year-old baby boy to death because he was crying in his crib, she hid his body in some nearby bushes, and then did what came natural: She went back to bed.

The story she told police was ridiculous. Last time she saw the boy was at 10:30 the night before, when she put him to bed, implying that she did not check on him all night. In fact, she claimed that she did not realize he was missing until 11 a.m. the next morning, which is when she woke up.

Maybe if she put her child to bed a little earlier, he would have slept a little better. Maybe not, but hey worth a shot. It kind of makes sense to keep a later schedule, especially since this Mean Mom obviously liked to sleep late herself, but I do not know any 1-year-old that will sleep past 9 a.m. no matter when bedtime is.

No prior abuse was detected, which makes this seem like a one-time failure, but what a huge failure it was. Friends of hers cannot believe she did it. But she did. She killed her baby, lied about it and let a team of 100 officers search for him even though she knew where his tiny body lay.

I'm glad she was able to grab a full eight that night. I hear that the sleeping in jail is not even that good. She will find that out soon enough.

A link to the story as it appears on (and a photo of this Mean Mom) is below.

I'm trying to sleep

Friday, February 24, 2012

Running a child to death

These two are in training for worst grandmother and stepmother of the year

Now, I've heard of top athletes keeling over in the middle of a marathon, but not 9-year-old girls dying from running. But this girl's death happened under special circumstances. Sick, inconceivable, special circumstances.

Apparently, this 9-year-old's grandmother and stepmother thought that lying about eating candy was worth her life. As punishment for cleaning out the candy cabinet and saying she did not, this Alabama girl was forced to run. And run and run and run. No water, no stopping — until she literally fell over after having a seizure three hours later. She died a few days later at a local children's hospital. An autopsy revealed extreme dehydration and low sodium levels.

It is just me, or is this cruel and unusual punishment to the max? I'm a runner. I actually like running, but I know at least 10 people off the top of my head who don't. I certainly would not — scratch that, could not — run for three hours without weeks and weeks and weeks of training. Now, looking at this mean duo, I can be pretty sure they fall into the non-runner group, which does not give them the excuse of ignorance. Not to mention it looks like the little girl needed that candy more than they did.

A pathologist ruled her death a homicide, and both her grandmother and stepmother were arrested.

Sadly, before the 911 call was placed, a few concerned neighbors called the sheriff's office to express their concern over the girl's running. One man saw her running around 4 p.m. (the 911 call went in at 6:45. I can't believe they let this poor girl run after sundown), and he is quoted as saying, "But I don't see how that would kill her."

A link to the news story appears below.

No water for you

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

No (grand)child left behind

This one kind of makes sense, but not really

I can see how this grandmother turned mother was heartbroken over the loss of two sons  — one died in Iraq in a dispute over alcohol, not as a casualty of war —and possibly suffering from depression, or worse. I can't see how you think killing your 7-year-old granddaughter/daughter in such a horrible way as BEING BURNED ALIVE is better than "leaving her behind."

She did try and ease the girls pain a bit by STABBING HER IN THE CHEST (???) before she torched their house. Unfortunately, it was not enough to kill her before the smoke and flames overtook her. The 63-year-old mean mom left a note, keys to her house, her will and other personal effects that she thought were worth being found on and in her truck, so she had obviously planned this for a while.

I just don't get the selfishness of taking this little girl with her on her journey to hell. Finding her a decent place to live, possibly with a more loving and less effed up relative, would have been the way to go instead of subjecting her to this violent end.

The link to the story as it appears on appears below.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Mom kills newborn twins on purpose

Whoa, this chick is harsh

I know that the story comes out of a city that is a state, too, but that doesn't give this mean mom the right to stash her dead newborns in the trunk of her car.

Thankfully, this 22-year-old Huxley, Iowa mom was arrested and charged with first-degree murder for killing her newborn twins. She admits to doing it on purpose. An observant co-worker notices the gal came to work one day looking like a fat cat, and the next like a deflated balloon, so she called the police, who uncovered her filthy act.

Holy cow.

At least most insane mean moms try and lie, but not this one, so it is good to hear they are taking her for the full ride and she does not get to plead any of that temporary insanity crap.

If she is convicted, which looks pretty good from the preliminary info I have heard, she will spend the rest of her life in jail. That is good for her and good for Iowa. 

Iowa is a state that has a Safe Haven Act, which means these babies could have been adopted into a caring, loving home with no problem. Yet this mean mom decided that no one was capable of taking care of these sweet girls as well as she, so she offed them, hid them and went about her business. Maybe after reading about her, more moms of unwanted babes will think twice before doing anything so brash.

Of course, we all hope this hopeless woman is one in a million.

Click on the link below for a more "newsy" story and a photo of the mean mom in question.

Double disaster

Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Meanest Moms attack of the meddling millions

Oh my, one million moms strong, and they are all wrong

This is taken directly from the One Million Moms Website. It is filed under, "Issue Details." First paragraph.
Recently JC Penney announced that comedian Ellen Degeneres will be the company's new spokesperson. Funny that JC Penney thinks hiring an open homosexual spokesperson will help their business when most of their customers are traditional families. More sales will be lost than gained unless they replace their spokesperson quickly. Unless JC Penney decides to be neutral in the culture war then their brand transformation will be unsuccessful.
I would edit this as such:
JC Penny thinks hiring a lesbian won't drive us away. Yes it will. Please remove the gays from your store. I need to browse an try like I've always done before.

OK, I know mine is much more eloquent, and no matter what the message there, my message here is a person is a person is a person. Whether they are big or small, black, brown or magenta, wet, dry or loose, they still have brains, feelings and emotions. 

To not realize you must treat everyone equal in this day and age is ignorance. Still, to each HIS own. 

Find a link to the One Million Moms website where the issue is described directly below. And below that click on a link to a YaHoo news article that describes what is going on. It also is a good demonstration of what "normal" America thinks of this.

Ellen CANNONT sell skinny jeans.

Oh, yes she can.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


OK, so every once in a while a horrific dad catches our eye and makes us want to post.

Introducing Mr. I-am-going-to-impregnate-my-daughter-not-once-but-twice.

Yikes. And he only got six years in prison. Seems like 666 would have been more appropraite.

I can't find the original story, but here is a link to the synapsis  at

 Ready for another?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Rape is NOT the best way to educate your child

If this 37-year-old Australian mother is raping her 11-year-old daughter to educate her about sex, I shudder to think what she has done to teach her other three kids about life. Cut off a finger to demonstrate how sharp a knife is? Let the kids play in the street to teach them how hard a car can hit?

A judge says that this mean mom should be jailed for four years. That is it. Really?

So taping your own child (I stress that she is a child. Only 11 years old) being raped BY YOU, her mom, the one person she trusts no matter what (no gives back. Seriously.) and leading her to believe it is benefiting her (sex) education is a minor offence, eh? Well, I guess the mom would rather she start her daughter early, because she herself didn't get pregnant until 16, and that was after being with  the father since she was 14.

True love. How sweet.

A link to the story as it appears on  appears below.

Island life makes you crazy

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A simple treatment could have saved this 13-month-old's life

I know these words will cross the page many times on this blog. As a mom, I surely know the difference between the sniffles and a life-threatening condition that requires immediate attention from a medical professional, like if my just turned 1 baby boy starts puking up stomach bile.

Hell, I freaked out when the whole house got a nasty stomach bug and couldn't keep food down for days, but not this former Phoenician mom, who now lives in Surprise, Arizona. Even after both she and her husband were advised by a doctor to take their boy to the emergency room — he had run a fever for days and was puking up bile after all — they both came up with an excuse not to and the little guy died from acute peritonitis, a treatable condition.

At least they called the doctor, I guess.

Poor mom was suffering from high blood pressure that day (boohoo) and dear old dad was just too tired from helping his in-laws move (awwww). What I don't get is why, in any of the preceding days when they were feeling good, they didn't call the doctor about they baby's high temp, or hell, take him in for a quick check to make sure it was nothing serious.

What seems to be because of sheer laziness and lack of care, a baby boy won't live to see his second birthday. Makes me want to scream. Mom is facing both murder and child abuse charges, though dad has not been charged with anything yet (what gives?). To me, he seems just as guilty as her.

Find out more about peritonitis here, and read the whole story on by clicking on the link below.

I can't take him, you do it

Monday, January 30, 2012

Eating your mom's food could get you a crack on the head with a hammer

While investigating a tip that a middle schooler had been hit with a hammer, a Department of Child Services caseworker found three children living in filth, suffering from hunger and poor hygiene. And, yes the boy had been hit by his 32-year-old mother — three times — with a hammer.

As if being sent to your room isn't punishment enough, especially if your room contains a sheetless bed you share with your brother and no electricity. Not in this Fort Wayne house. No, here if you dare eat your mom's food, she will beat you with a hammer. The boy  originally told investigators that he had been jumped at the park, but later admitted it was his mother who had hit him between the eyes, on the leg and on the arm.

Though there was income coming into the home via social security, there was no electricity or food in the home to help feed this boy and his two siblings. Yet, in one room empty beer cans and liquor bottles were strewn about. Glad someone is getting some nutrition.

Thanks to a tip from Stop Child Abuse and Neglect (SCAN), the boy was treated and the mom is being charged with three counts of felony neglect, which seems a little mild considering the circumstances. Hammers are hard. Really hard. She could have killed her son.

It is good that they got out of the home before this turned into something worse. Hopefully, they remain safe.

Read the original story as it appears on by clicking below.

I said, "Don't eat my food!"

Friday, January 27, 2012

Even if you think a baby is dead, you shouldn't leave him in the yard

As it says in the article, this one defies logic.

Obviously this Louisiana mother of three, now four, has raised some good kids, albeit with an oblivious father. After all, it was her 13-year-old son who found the ailing newborn — umbilical cord still attached — in the yard crying and took action to save him. I shudder to think what may have happened if his mom had not already left for work, since obviously this fourth child was not wanted.

Dad claims he did not know his wife had given birth sometime the previous day, which I believe because some men just do not pay attention, even if their wife is writhing in pain and spending a lot of time in the bathroom. It is thought this Pearl River woman kept her pregnancy hidden from everyone but her family, another fact I believe. Recently, a woman at my child's school had a baby, and she never, ever looked any chubbier than she already was before the birth.

The 35-year-old woman claimed she thought the baby was dead, so she did the obvious, left it in the backyard for the gators, skeeters and nutria to take care of — kidding. I will give her credit, in that, if she really wanted to dispose of the child she probably would have just thrown it in the trash. She left it in her own backyard wrapped in a towel, so there was the possibility that someone would find it, leaving me to think that somewhere deep down she did not want the baby to die. But, with all the options — Louisiana does have a Safe Haven Law — available these days, it is hard to feel sympathetic.

As of this writing, the baby is "improving" and the mean mom is in jail. She is being charged with cruelty to a juvenile and child desertion. A link to the story appears below.

Every baby for himself

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Parents don't treat son's treatable cancer, and now he's dead

OK, this one I just don't get.

When one of my kids get a fever, I call the doctor. If there's green snot, we make an appointment. If he's begging me to go to the doctor, we are there.

According to prosecutors, an 8-year-old boy did just that — begged his parents to take him to a doctor. Instead, they treated his swollen glands and discomfort with cold medicine for months.

There are other terrible details of the story. They claim that an $87 vet visit to treat a pit bull for fleas was paid for by the mom's parents, who owned the dog. The couple had six children, but were unable to secure any insurance coverage for their brood. Reports state that some social workers urged them to get care for the boy, while another said to hold off until they had money to pay for it.

To top it off, the Mean Mom's attorney is using this defense: "Given her education and background, [she] didn't realize the boy was seriously ill and was treating him with cold medication."


A non-Mean Mom is going to know when her kid has the sniffles or is dying. Heck, a non-Mean Mom would probably take her severely ill child to the doctor whether the money was there or not.

I am sure, at least I hope, that this Mean Mom wishes things had gone differently.

She and the boy's father are no longer together. Her other kids got taken away from her and now she is going to jail. Her life kind of sucks, too.

At least she has a life.

Click below for a link to a story on  ABC News.

You'll be OK, honey

Monday, January 23, 2012

Who keeps a coffin in the cellar?

Punishing your kid should not revolve around locking them in anything, taping them to anything or stapling their loose flesh to particle board.

But, sometimes it does.

Not this time, but close.

This couple, which consists of a mom and step dad, decided that one of their little ones, the 7-year-old, was causing too much trouble and should be sent to the basement. Without pants or food.

Diapering a 7-year-old for no other reason that you're locking them in the basement and there is no bathroom down there is not an excuse. They could pee on the floor no problem. It would dissipate, evaporate and somethingelserate and be no big deal.

Doing it because you are locking them in a coffin in the basement makes sense, since if they made a mess in there, their time spent may be a lot less than the time it takes for you to get done whatever was so important that you needed to get done ASAP, so YOU LOCKED YOUR KID IN AN EFFING COFFIN. IN THE BASEMENT. WITH NO BATHROOM.

I am sure he had no food either.


How, why? Is all I have to say.

Click on the link below to read the story as it appears on

Don't lock your kid in a coffin — EVER

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Once an abuser always an abuser

This one was a little too close for comfort. Not only did it happen in my hometown, but they took the toddler to the medical center that is attached to the College of Medicine where I work. And, she is the same age as my precious little boy.

I don't know, but for some reason when I read a story that I knew took place really close to me — like that time the police helicopter was circling my neighborhood and the spotlight shined right on my yard and the next day I found out that an armed robber hit the smoke shop on Grant and was loose in the hood — it increases my heartrate and makes my bones shake.

Anyway, this mother of five. Ahem, this 23-year-old mother of five, was arrested on suspicion of abusing her children. Her 21-month-old child was rushed to the hospital after a 911 call that reported "seizure-like activity." Her 3-year-old was taken in, too. Supposedly, the mother bit and hit both children on a regular basis.


Sadly, the little girl died, and initial reports stated she was malnourished and hit. One report stated that she had a, "non-existent blood-sugar level."

Maybe if the 2010 case against this mean mom, the one that acquitted her of abusing her then-4-year-old daughter had gone differently, this little girl would have lived.

I guess we'll never know.

A link to the story appears below.

Two times too many

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Old enough to know better, dumb enough not to care

This mom thinks that shopping with a baby is hard

A 31-year-old Florida mother had a deep urge to take advantage of one of Macy's 365-day a year One-Day Sales. Not wishing to become distracted, or — don't say it — have to change a diaper while scouring the racks, she decided to leave her 2-year-old in the car.

Sure, we've all dreamed of just running in and picking up a few things without having to do the unbuckle, rebuckle, but none of us actually do it, because it is against the law in most states, AND we would never leave our kids in the car unattended. Alone. Cold. Hungry.

OK, so Florida is not freezing this time of the year, and she didn't leave the car running and lead an hose from the window to the exhaust, but how hard is it to shop Macy's with a toddler. All you need to do is carry him to a buggy, strap him and and push him around. Yes, the elevators and less convenient than the escalators, but the experience is so much better for you — you know your child is safe — and your child — who experiences a social "event" — that it is worth it.

What makes this story even worse, is that she lied about having left her 12-year-old in the car as well, and her absence meant that she had "run away or was abducted." Jeez.

Below is the link to the story, which appears on, Tampa Bay's Tampa Bay Channel 10 News.

Wait here, I need to buy stuff


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Journal of the abused

Foster mom in prison, niece dead, nephew damaged

When you are old enough to be writing in a journal about abuse you endure, it has gone on for too long without consequences. Sadly, the consequences for this foster Mean Mom seem peachy compared to the teen who lost her life.

Sure, she has mental problems, and, yes, the San Francisco Human Services Agency, which was overseeing the twins' care was to blame as well. But, only 69 years for a crime this heinous?

And, I can't get over the tidbit about how she did not abuse her own children, yet tortured her foster twins. Something tells me she did have some level of control she was not using. 

Even though the poor girl and her twin brother were physically and mentally abused, she still wrote in journal that "I want so bad to have a better relationship with her," and "I love her so much."

this sure does make you realize the need for love and protection that all children crave. The Mean Mom was her aunt, but the only mother figure she ever had, and that evil witch locked her in a closet where she died, naked and malnourished.

Makes me want to scream. 

A link to the full story as printed in the Contra Costa Times below.

Foster mom goes crazy

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Meanest Moms

It's rare that my oldest kid — the one that can talk — tells me I'm mean. If he does, I always think back to what one of my wisest friends once said, "I'm not mean, I'm Mom." It makes me feel better.

Most of the things I do to my kids that are mean are yell a little too loud, not allow candy before breakfast and refuse to buy them whatever flashy item catches their eye at the store.

Most of the things my mom did to me that I thought was mean were not let me swim in the neighbor's pool, not let me ride my bike out of the driveway and dress me and do my hair just like my sister for years and years and years.

This doesn't come close to some of the meanness that some moms have towards their kids.

I for one can not imagine wanting to harm my kids so much that it lands them in the emergency room.

I could not handle stuffing their bodies in a trash bag and setting them out on the curb on pick-up day.

There is no way I could break one of their bones on purpose, though I do admit to stepping on a Lego creation that was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

This blog is about moms who go way farther than pinching back, denying sweets and saying "No."

This blog highlights some of the meanest moms in the world, and features news stories from around the Internet. It will make you feel better.

If violence against children makes you cry, I suggest you close this window now. If it spurs you into action, you have come to the right place.

In the near future, I am going to research some worthy organizations that deserve donations and set up a spot here where you can do that. In the meantime if you have any suggestions, let me know.