Punishing your kid should not revolve around locking them in anything, taping them to anything or stapling their loose flesh to particle board.
But, sometimes it does.
Not this time, but close.
This couple, which consists of a mom and step dad, decided that one of their little ones, the 7-year-old, was causing too much trouble and should be sent to the basement. Without pants or food.
Diapering a 7-year-old for no other reason that you're locking them in the basement and there is no bathroom down there is not an excuse. They could pee on the floor no problem. It would dissipate, evaporate and somethingelserate and be no big deal.
Doing it because you are locking them in a coffin in the basement makes sense, since if they made a mess in there, their time spent may be a lot less than the time it takes for you to get done whatever was so important that you needed to get done ASAP, so YOU LOCKED YOUR KID IN AN EFFING COFFIN. IN THE BASEMENT. WITH NO BATHROOM.
I am sure he had no food either.
How, why? Is all I have to say.
Click on the link below to read the story as it appears on timesleader.com.
Don't lock your kid in a coffin — EVER
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