Saturday, June 23, 2012

Revenge the wrong way

Taking out your anger on your kids is never a good idea

Question: You suspect your husband is cheating on you. What do you do?

Answers: A. Follow him around.
                B. Secretly check his phone.
                C. Confront him.
                D. Hire a lawyer.
                E. Kill your twins.

One 41-year-old Mean Mom decided "E" was the correct answer in her case and drowned and suffocated her twin toddlers. She managed to fill her 4-year-old's belly with unidentified pills in an attempt to take her out, too, but thankfully the little girl is a fighter (and cute as a button especially with those stickers on her face). After the attack, she was in stable condition and was expected to recover.

No news report has confirmed whether the rumored affair was indeed an affair, but some have speculated that the other woman was the MM's daughter from a previous relationship. It surely is sick to be messing around with your stepdaughter, but still no reason to kill innocent children.

The MM attempted to kill herself by slitting her wrists, but she did not succeed, which leads me to believe she really was not looking for that kind of ending to her story.

So what was she looking for? Was she just out of her mind? Was revenge really all she wanted? Is any man worth taking the lives of your babies? I can safely answer "no" to that last one.

Sadly, these two innocent babies lost their lives to the very person who gave it to them. Even sadder is the fate of their older sister, who will no doubt have nightmares of this for the rest of her life.

Read some local coverage on the gruesome event by clicking the link below. Warning, the photo of one of the twins being carried out of the house is heartbreaking.

She cheated her kids out of life

Friday, June 22, 2012

Mean Mom, zombie-style

Zombies have always been cool, but nobody likes a brain eater

photo by Kriss Szkurlatowski
This is one sick story

It popped up amongst the recent string of zombie-like attacks in a local headline feed, so it is by no means a recent news bit. In fact, the original click led to a dead link that apologized for luring the clicker to a story that originally ran in 2009.

It was easy enough to find a tidbit on the incident, but no so easy to forget the horror that it brings. Please stop reading now if you have an issue with textures and missing baby digits.

This MM, who is reported to be a schizophrenic, lost it in a house where many sharp items were stored. She used some of them to dismember her not-quite 4-week-old son. That was enough to kill him, though she went a step further and ate his brain to absolutely, positively make sure he was dead.

After all, it is a lot harder to tell if your munch has passed from just watching his respiration cease. If you cut some of his body parts off and then eat his brain you can be totally sure he is not coming back. This MM obviously had some problems. She could not distinguish from the two.

The really sick part is trying to decide whose fault it was. Can it all be blamed on the MM, or are those around her responsible, too? Postpartum depression and schizophrenia d not mix, and someone suffering from both of these deserves more support than this MM had. And her little boy suffered and died because of it.

I can't write any more about it, but you can read more by clicking the links below:

Please eat dinner before reading this

A softer look at the situation

Monday, June 18, 2012

Potty accidents should not be fatal

A super-harsh punishment for going number one in your pants

Potty training is hard enough, and any one in their right mind would know that negative reinforcement is only going to make it harder. Unfortunately, one couple visiting Florida with their 3-year-old son was way out of their minds when they decided to beat their son for peeing his pants.

The beating led to his death, and this poor boy must have suffered imaginably. Not only did they take turns beating him for an hour, but as he lay dying they ordered pizza and watched a movie. Finally, around 5 a.m. the Mean Mom found herself having trouble sleeping because of the boy's wheezes (or maybe her conscience got the best of her, but I doubt it) and called 911.

This is one of those stories that you don't want to think about too much, because that leads to questions like "What was this child's life like before this night?" Thinking about that is enough to make you scream and cry at the same time.

The couple was arrested and charged with child abuse, first-degree murder and child neglect. The man has a history of violence against both women and children. The MM was on suicide watch.

A link to the story as it appears on appears below

Sorry, I didn't make it

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Never, ever put anything on the roof of your car when you are stoned

Especially not your baby

We have all done it — stoned or not. Whether it was a cup of coffee, a pair of sunglasses or a cell phone, it ended up on the roof of the car while we were fumbling for our keys and piling the kids into the car, and we drove off with it still hanging out up there.

Some of us were lucky. The item remained on the roof, lodged between the roof rack and a crack in the door, or it fell off only to be found with a backtrack and stopping of traffic.

Others of us were not.

Such is the case of a Phoenix, AZ, Mean Mom who left her 5-week-old bundle of joy on the roof of her car. He ended up getting bumped off the roof and landing in the middle of the street at 12:45 a.m.

He was buckled into his car seat, which probably helped him survive his wild ride, and thankfully he was treated and released to CPS and no injuries were reported. To give the young MM some credit, she did realize her baby was missing (12 miles later, ahem) and went back to look for him. This is when the police arrested her and she admitted to have smoked marijuana earlier in the night.

There is all kinds of wrong going on here, especially the juicy bit where they note that her baby's daddy was arrested less than two hours earlier after he was pulled over for driving all swervy-wervy and almost causing an accident. The MM and their child were in the car at the time.

You would think that after you and your infant are driven home by the police at midnight that you would put  the wee one to sleep and get yourself to bed — babies tend to get up early and a lot — but this brilliant girl got in the car and drove to a friend's house. I bet she wishes she stayed home now.

I am curious as to what kind of car she drives, because she is either super tall or drives a really small car to be able to comfortably place a baby in a car seat on the roof. I never bothered with those removable seats, but my first choice would be the ground. Not too much risk of losing him to gravity resting him there.

I am sure there is more to the story — there always is — but because of quite a few bad decisions a baby boy is missing out on his mom.

See video of her day in court and read more of the story  on

Look ma, no hands!